The Portrayal of Native Americans in the Jamestown Exposition.

Dublin Core


The Portrayal of Native Americans in the Jamestown Exposition.


a collection of items in relation to the portrayal of Native Americans in the Jamestown Exposition.


Francisco Cabrera

Collection Items

Jamestown Magazine: Official Organ of the Jamestown Exposition.
This is the cover of the magazine that detailed what exactly was happening at the Jamestown Exposition. It shows the front of the Jamestown Historical Church.

Map of the Jamestown Exposition
a detailed map of the Jamestown Exposition included with a key on every attraction and building.

Official Daily Program of the Jamestown Ter-Centennial Exposition
This is a daily program of what occurred at the exposition included with dates, times, names, and locations. It shows the schedule of every attraction and show.

The Baptism of Pocahontas
This painting shows the dramatized ceremony in which Pocahontas was baptized. It is a very detailed painting depicting both Powhatan Native Americans and settlers.

Jamestown Ter-Centennial Exposition.
This was an advertisement used to promote the festival and show to people what the festival would look like.

Commemorative Booklet of the First Permanent English Settlement in America
This was an introduction to the history of Jamestown and the surrounding area, including two foldout maps.

The Booton  Hall Portrait of Pocahontas
A painting that shows Pocahontas in English clothes with an engraving describing who it is.
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